Sunday, February 28, 2010

Library User of the Month - March 2010

Xue Cao (Snow)
University Transfer, Business

"I have been a student of Medicine Hat College for over one year. I really like studying in the Vera Bracken Library. There are many factors that make me feel very comfortable in the library. First of all, I can find some places where it is quiet so that I can concentrate on my studies. Also, the professional people who work in the library are helpful. Every time I ask for help from them, they patiently answer my questions with a smile. Third, the users of the library appreciate the bright lighting and the equipment. We may use computers and videos to support our work. All in all, the Vera Bracken Library is a really good place to study for me."

if nothing means everything

preview of todays photoshooting.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Materials Lists Updated - January 2010

Library Services has posted its new materials lists for the month of January 2010. The lists can be found at: Materials/.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

while watching harry potter and the order of the phoenix...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

weißt du...

weißt du, wenn du wüsstest wie es wäre,
wäre dann nicht mehr alles so schwer?
weißt du ich weiß gar nicht so viel, mehr ist es subtil und nicht ganz sicher.
weißt du wie es ist ich zu sein? Die toten tauben ins meer treiben zu sehen, es ist mehr,
mehr schwarz als weiß und ich weiß du weißt.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Help Us Help You!


All current Medicine Hat College students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in a library quality improvement survey to help us serve you better. Check your college email for the link or take the survey here.

Results of the survey will be shared with the college community and will be used to improve library services and resources.

How can I complete the survey?
  • You will receive a link to the web-based survey in an email from Campus Announcements on Monday February 22 and on Monday March 1. Check your college email account. Missed the email? Take the survey here. If you have problems accessing the survey, please contact Leigh Cunningham.

  • Completing the survey will take about 5 minutes. The survey will remain open until 4pm on Friday March 12.
Is there an incentive?
  • Yes! To thank you for your participation, we invite you to enter a prize draw for a chance to win one of five $25 iTunes gift cards or one of five $25 gift certificates for the college bookstore. Be sure to provide your college email address when you submit your survey. Your email will not be linked to your responses.
Are my responses confidential?
  • Yes. No identifying links between responses and the individual responding will be retained. Only combined data will be reported. Your participation is voluntary. This project has been reviewed by the Medicine Hat College Ethics Review Board.
Do I have to answer all questions?
  • Yes. If you do not know how to answer a question, you can select “N/A” or “I don’t know”. The survey format is designed to capture your expected, desired and perceived levels of service and this is why there are three responses required for each question.
What is the LibQUAL+® survey?
  • LibQUAL+® survey measures library users’ perceptions of their libraries’ service quality and identifies gaps between minimal, desired and perceived levels of service. LibQUAL+® is a rigorously tested web-based survey offered by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) that helps libraries assess and improve library services. Over 1000 libraries in Canada, the United States and internationally have used the survey since 2000.
For more information, please see the LibQUAL+® website:

Many thanks for your help!

Questions about the survey can be directed to:
Leigh Cunningham, Collections and Instruction Librarian
Phone: 403-504-3654

Saturday, February 20, 2010

mädchen in bewegung.

picnic at hanging rock

Friday, February 19, 2010

sleeping...'s all i have to do.

weil es die melancholie war, die sie dinge sehen ließ...

Library Staff Complete Their Own Torch Relay

1 country, 25 participants, 106 days, 26,000 kilometres – Go!

In October of last year, 25 library staff members signed up to participate in the Library Services version of the Olympic Torch Relay. The challenge was to convert any physical activity into steps and as a team, to follow the real Olympic Torch across the land portion of its journey across Canada. 26,000 kilometres in 106 days!

Each participant was handed a pair of Olympic red mittens, a pedometer and the encouragement to go ‘swifter, higher, stronger’. We totaled our step counts for walking, cycling, running and climbing stairs. We calculated our minutes of aquasize, swimming, weight lifting and yoga. We tallied dog walks, dancing, grocery shopping and vacuuming. A large map of the relay route was posted as motivation and as a visual representation of our efforts. A record was kept of each person’s activity and the number of steps they contributed. While this might have discouraged some of the non-competitors in our group, in reality it had the opposite effect. We encouraged each other in our physical activities, we discussed what people did in their spare time and admittedly it did generate a little bit of friendly competition.

So, did we manage to finish the relay in time for the opening ceremonies on February 12th? Yes we did, with a few hours to spare. But perhaps the bigger achievement was the sense of community and teamwork that developed as a result of the challenge. And isn’t that what the Olympics are meant to inspire in all of us?

Monday, February 15, 2010

pure and full of fog...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

when you don't want to feel... death can seem like a dream. but, seeing death - really seeing it... makes dreaming about it fucking ridiculous.

i saw "girl, interrupted". it's a great one, but wiona should have won an oscar too.

wenn die helle dich wärmt, dein blut sprudeln lässt, sie nicht mehr versucht dich taub vor gefühlen zu machen, dann weißt du das es sich ändern wird...
auch ein puzzle beginnt nur mit einem kleinen teil.
wir mögen beide seiten.

Friday, February 12, 2010

oh! gentle day has awoken me, oh! effortless morning has engaged me into its arms, The drapes drawn, your rays caressing every corner of the room...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

no time for nothing, but enough time for something...

it's cold and cosy. i need to scan new drawings from my visual diary, but my scanner is not doing what i want it to do.

wenn sie könnte würde sie,
doch ist sie nicht.
klirrend klopft es innerlich, doch spürt sie es
(wie es sich bricht) wie es erbricht.
alleine, alleine unter horden von ihnen,
niemand kann ihr dienen, niemand.
sie saß und sah und spürte nicht,
nur spürte sie wie es erbricht.
umgeben von eis und ewigkeit,
in wahrheit waren sie zu zweit.
sie sprach mit ihr und das mal zwei,
doch eis war kalt, der spalt zu groß/der spalt so weit,
distanz zerstörte es, shizophränie.
alleine war es anders, immer.
zerbricht das eis? erblüht es?

körperlicher wohlstand verschafft den menschen keinen seelischen wohlstand,
kein glück, keine zufriedenheit.
stumm möchte sie sein.
all alone, all by her own.
versunkene trauer sickert durch jede faser des polsters.
blasse gesprenkelt mit rose,
haare wie ebenholz, ahorn oder fuchsien,
rehaugen sind es, die ihre trauer verbergen.
blasse, ausgemärgelte mädchen(körper), aufgehübscht,
verpackt in pastellenes plisse.
verdeckt und verändert.
falsche hüllen.
die träume sind nicht wahr. mag man denk der tod sei die lösung,
doch das leben ist schön(er) wie es der tod einst war und sein wird.
meist merkte sie es erst als sich tiefe schluchten vor ihr auftaten.
nebel in gräuliches weiß getaucht, ließ die unendlichkeit endlich wirken,
der tod war ein traum, war weit weg und doch so greifbar nah.
unwissenheit schützt dich nicht,
unwissenheit schützt keinen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WARNING: Beware of Fake Wireless Networks on Campus

IMPORTANT: When connecting to the wireless network on campus, only connect to MHC-Public (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The one and only official college wireless network you should connect to.

connect to any other wireless network on campus, because they are not official college networks—this includes one that might say MHC-Library.


Unfortunately there are individuals on campus that are creating “rogue” networks. These rogue networks might look like free wireless access points (see Figs. 2 & 3), but you are not connecting to a network, you are connecting to someone’s computer directly. An intention of these rogue networks could be to steal your private information (e.g., user name and password sets) that you use to access secure information online (e.g., banking and credit card information, Facebook, myMHC, etc.).

Fig 2. A rogue computer-to-computer network.

Fig. 3. Another rogue computer-to-computer network.

Another problem these rogue networks create is that they will disrupt the functions and services of the MHC-Public network. The effects of which include: making the network unavailable or unstable.

  • Do not access banking and other confidential information using the public wireless network (this includes MHC-Public).

  • Do not have your laptop configured to automatically join networks—always manually connect to networks out of your home network.

  • Never make a computer-to-computer connection—regardless of what the name of the network is.

  • Do not accept any prompts when you are asked to allow someone to join you.

  • Turn off your wireless card if you are not browsing the Web—this also saves power.

  • Have up-to-date security software installed on your computer—antivirus, firewall, etc.

  • If you have the technical expertise, create a personal virtual private network (VPN) before connecting to a public wireless service.
Information Technology Services (ITS) is actively seeking a solution to resolve this issue.

Monday, February 8, 2010

feine fäden zogen sich, baumwollstoff, hell klebend in der feuchte vergangener nächte.

erwartend sitzen sie am abgrund der welt,
die stufen steinern klamm.
wie katzen als perlen gefedelt auf gold,
mit tatzen so rosa wie ihre lippen einst waren.
auf eis.
sie vermissen einander.
baumwollstoff, hell klebend in der feuchte vergangener nächte.
gefroren, aneinander, verbunden durch kleinstteilchen.
sträniges caramell besiegelt die knochen,
vereint fuhren sie mit den fingern die formen ihrer schlüsselbeine nach.
freiheit ist das existenziellste überhaupt.
nackte schlüsselbeine, wie sich ihre wirbelsäulen unter der haut abdrückten,
sie vermissen einander.
sie vermissen sich.
pfirsichhaut diesmal alleine, halbgehüllt in seide.
feine fäden zogen sich, ihre finger nun zu rau.
alleine sitzend am ende der welt,
tränen fallend in die unendlichkeit.
nur ab und an sah sie einhörner vorbei gallopieren.
pegasuse waren rar.
dunkelstes blau, tiefste nacht, scheuste tiere.
gib acht,
flieg weg,
finde dein glück.
es passiert.

Student Study Break/Family Day Hours - 15-19 February

For the Student Study Break (15-19 February 2010), the Vera Bracken Library (Medicine Hat Campus) and the Brooks Campus Library will be open regular hours, with the noted exception:
  • Monday, February 15th - Closed for Family Day
For more information about the libraries' hours of operation, click here.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

are you afraid of bananas?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
...i am not, i like them.
bananas paired with sunday laziness rule.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

jauntily survive

just for inapprehensible short winks.
wings in white of swans out of light,
above me in the sky.
the light, the light. where is the light.
fallen down to earth in the field in the sky
sheltered from thick, thick swanwings.
coverd with flowers so high.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Twitter Contest Winner

What is a good way for Library Services to start a new year? Have a contest!

Library Services held a Twitter related contest for the first several weeks of 2010 and we would like to congratulate our winner--Jan Stalwick. She is the winner of a green iPod Shuffle. We definitely appreciate her enthusiasm and hope she enjoys the prize.

Thank you to everyone else that entered. Look for more contests, events, and prize draws throughout the year from your friends in Library Services.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

we went out dancing it was time we had fun. when we got outside the snow had started to fall. I made a ball I threw it at gavin because he’s tall.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

glück vom mittelhochdeutschen gelucke bzw. gelücke. bedeutet "art wie etwas endet", "art wie etwas gut ausgeht".


1. bright and calm thoughts.
2. sudden inspirations.
3. when i run trough the city with happiness in my ears, and i realize how lucky i am.
4. when i see big art and big personalitys.
5. vespertine animals.
6. in the evening, when i lie in bad and feel so much. just before i fall asleep, this moment is the most intensiv time of the day.
7. wearing flanells or pastells.
8. draw something and notice that it is good.
9. see animals who are peaceful and full of happiness and luck.
10. dream about some perfect moments which aren't that perfect as you thought and it makes you feel confortable.

eine kontroverse (v. lat: contra entgegen; versus gerichtet) ist ein länger anhaltender streit oder eine debatte.

"tod tot. tod tot. tod tot." schreit es aus der badewanner, voller energie.
die arme gestreckt erwartungsvoll die zehen.
"spannung brauchst du mein kind."

auf land unter land. die trockenen ansätze verlieren sich abrupt in der nässe pastellen.
badewannen sind eigentlich viel tiefer, tauchst du erst einmal ab, fällt es dir schwer wieder an die oberfläche zu gelangen.
in der masse der tiefe kannst du rechts von links, oben von unten oder falsch von richtig schwer unterscheiden. was ist es schon, heiße luft zwischen algen?
die narwahle sind nicht mehr hier. ihr einhörner der see.

alleine in der wanne,
sitzt sie,
pfirsich zu türkis, im hellen nebel.

ist der tod nun weiß oder schwarz?

wir mögen kontroversen (nicht).

gedankenstreuselkuchen mit hirnwindungen.
ab morgen meditiere ich.

black bows in blonde hair.

hair are such a thing.

one cute, two cute, three cute, four cute, five cute, six cute, seven cute...

a garderobe full of lovesome dresses like these.

Monday, February 1, 2010

falsche blüten glücklich betten feine mädchen zwischen zecken.

falsche blüten glücklich betten feine mädchen zwischen zecken.
kalt erstarren die körper bald, liegen sie so lang im wald.
"wie ihr, wie ihr so bin ich nicht. ich liege hier, hier sicher nicht."
wieso du mädchen voller glück, glaube ich dir bloß kein stück?
ohne diesem glas voll milch gäbe es dich nicht im bild.
so soll es sein im dunklen wald, weiß erstrahlen meere bald zwischen ihnen.
bloße mädchen erleuchten eben zwischen meer und milchig regen.
lust gefasst in milchige träume, rahmen aus gold sie umsäumen.
gedanken aus dem blonden schopf gebettet in den polster.
alles weiß im dunkel dünkler, flauschig spüren sie es hier.
die mädchen umgeben die felle aus frotte.
nahe dem see, nahme dem see.
verglühtes grün, düster und kalt, diese worte beschrieben den wald.
lichtungen durch milchglas sie sahen, meere, frotte und güldenes haar.

the moon as blue as ice is cold but cozy the cat meow to...

"plump!" fiel sie herab. norden, osten, süden, boden.
tote eulen klammern klamm an kiefernästen.
hängend hell in plump rose, hüllenloses weiß, prinzessen ganz umgekehrt, umgestülpte röcke.
haare lose kiefernäste, tannenzapfen nahe auch,
hörne nagend laufen bei, näster bauend purpur, der schrei.
nisten, leben, kinder geben, wohnen, fressen, wenig essen.
utopisches feld. baum, wald, kopf, haar.
blonde dünne neu sortiert, kätzchenkrallen laufen nach, vögelhörner auf der suche nach dem selbst.
apfelkerne nackter frauen "wollen wir näster bauen?" körbe voller kitten, krallen, keine köter, hörner, eulen, vögel halb legatisch, kopf- und käferlos.
diese süßlich liebe utopie, geschaffen von ihr, fallender engel, mädchen im baum.
"wir lieben dich. wir werden dich immer lieben."
entwicklungsstufen, gedankenfetzen werden worte, wahrheit, wolf, wood.
"wood wood" schreibt das glück.
wir haben uns.

(impressionen während "harry potter und der orden des phönix".)

Library User of the Month - February 2010

Sharon Allan, Coordinator
UT Education and University of Alberta Education

Pictured (l-r): Standing: Jeremy Molzan (2nd year UT Education), Jen Karpiuk (4th year U of A Education), Greg Elgie (4th year U of A Education), Michelle Alberts (1st year UT Education), Rachel Lesko (4th year U of A Education); Seated: Sharon Allan, Coordinator

By learning you will teach; by teaching you will learn.
~ Latin proverb

“It is an honour to share the Vera Bracken Library User of the Month Award with Education students from our Medicine Hat College University Transfer program and our University of Alberta Collaborative Bachelor of Education program. As teachers we are called to lifelong learning and the resources offered within our library have enhanced both my work as a teacher and my curiosity as a learner.

In addition to our library’s main collection Education students and faculty find valuable support and guidance within our growing curriculum collection. Reflecting the Alberta Program of Studies, this collection includes teaching resources selected and placed together to assist Education students as they plan for and work with children in classrooms. When a student teacher needs help with lesson planning, classroom management techniques, manipulatives to teach mathematical concepts, or a big book to share with primary children during story time, the curriculum collection offers resources to support our developing professional practice.

The Vera Bracken Library enriches the learning of Education students and enhances the work of faculty as together we explore engaging and effective methods of teaching children and young adults in classrooms throughout our community.”

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